Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Big Lessons

My little niece is doing her homework. She has to calculate how many bananas 7 little monkeys will eat if they eat 3 bananas each. There is the easy and fast way to do this: 7 monkeys x 3 bananas and there you go. That’s not my niece’s way though. To my surprise, she starts painting the seven little monkeys and below each one their three bananas. My surprise then becomes bigger when I see that she is actually very good at painting them.

Yes, there is the easy and fast way to solve a problem and get the job done. And then, there is the fun way. What if it takes longer? The result will eventually be the same yet reached in a much more creative way J

Big lesson from a little person. 


  1. Hey Katerina!

    I really liked your post! It brought home to me that most of the times we're too attached to the outcome that we tend to forget about other alternative and creative ways of accomplishing a job! It is true that our fast and hectic pace of life detracts from our creativity, and fun in general!

  2. Thank you Dimos! :-)
    We become so obsessed with the outcome that we forget to enjoy our way to it.
